Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis with gangrenous changes resulting in the rupture of the appendiceal wall. The appendiceal wall rupture causes the release of inflammatory and bacterial contents from the appendiceal lumen into the abdominal cavity.
Disease Alternative Name
Medical Component OfHCM
Remained Incharge Medical Officer with Hon'Ble C.M of J and K for More Than 20 Years from Jan 2000 To October 2020
Govt. Medical College, Jammu
M.S (General Surgery )

Steel Authority Of India Limited, IISCO Steel Plant
Sr Deputy Director Medical Administration
Nilratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital

Global Hospital
Gastroenetrology and Hepatology
Global Hospital

PHC Bichpuri and ESI Dispensary Chippitola Agra & SN Medical College Agra & Fatehgarh
Medical Officer Incharge
SN Medical College, Agra

BARC Hospital
Consulting Surgeon

Worked at Jalna.Latur. and Now Mumbai.
Consulting Surgeon
Consulting Surgeon.
M.S.,FICS,FAIS. Sr. Surgeon.

Department of Homoeopathy
District Medical Officer ( Homoeo )Fac (Retd )

West Bengl Health Service Transferable Serviceì In Different Hospitals

Private Practise

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In your experience, do you believe that the external factors—such as treatment costs, institutional policies, or insurance limitations, affect the treatment choices made by hospitals or doctors, rather than focusing solely on the patient's needs?
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Sexual and reproductive health awareness is a pressing issue in India, with many challenges still ahead. In rural areas, 1 in 4 adolescents don’t have basic knowledge about sexual and reproductive health, which shows, how crucial it is to have better education and outreach programs. In your opinion, what are the most significant challenges women face regarding sexual and reproductive health awareness in India? Reference for the study - Mrunal R Shenwai, et al. J Res Med Dent Sci, 2022, 10 (02):751-757
Curofy Health Day6 Likes11 Answers - Login to View the image
Uterine leiomyomas, often known as fibroids, are estimated to affect 77% of reproductive-aged women. Congenital uterine anomalies exist in approximately 4.3% of fertile women. Of these 4.3% of patients, uterine didelphys is present in only 8%. Given these statistics, a case with these characteristics has a 0.0026% chance of occurrence. As a result, when the patient presented with leiomyomas in both uteri, it is essential to discuss this case due to its rarity. Check out this case presentation by Dr. Viraj and share your views on the case. Follow us for more such updates!
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F.41 yrs. Limping left. 1 year
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F.65yrs. Pain both knees 3 years Pain right upper leg 3 months No H/O Injury.
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