Adrenal insufficiency
Your adrenal glands are just above your kidneys. The outside layer of these glands makes hormones that help your body respond to stress and regulate your blood pressure and water and salt balance. Addison disease happens if the adrenal glands don't make enough of these hormones.A problem with your immune system usually causes Addison disease. The immune system mistakenly attacks your own tissues, damaging your adrenal glands. Other causes include infections and cancer.Symptoms includeWeight loss Muscle weakness Fatigue that gets worse over time Low blood pressure Patchy or dark skin Lab tests can confirm that you have Addison disease. If you don't treat it, it can be fatal. You will need to take hormone pills for the rest of your life. If you have Addison disease, you should carry an emergency ID. It should say that you have the disease, list your medicines and say how much you need in an emergency.NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Disease Alternative Name
Self Emploid(private Clinic)
Shri M P Shah Medical College Jamnagar
Distt. Red Cross Society Bhawan
Honorary Medical Officer
SPMC, Bikaner
Siddhivinayak Clinic
Lceh Gp
Super Specialist in Reproductive Endocrinology
Consultant Diabetologist & Podiatrist
University of Newcastle
Graduate Diploma in Diabetes Care
Govt. Medical College Miraj
D M &S
Kakatiya Medical College
M.D ( OB&GY )
Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
Senior Resident
Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College
PHC Bichpuri and ESI Dispensary Chippitola Agra & SN Medical College Agra & Fatehgarh
Medical Officer Incharge
SN Medical College, Agra
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M.62yrs Pain neck. 6months Difficulty in swallowing 10 days
Dr. Syam Sundar Patro0 Like5 Answers - Login to View the image
F.43yrs. Pain & swelling at angle of left lower jaw. 5 months
Dr. Syam Sundar Patro0 Like4 Answers - Login to View the image
TRUE BROAD LIGAMENT FIBROID *Chief Complaints* 40 year old female presented with lower abdominal pain and heaviness since 6 months *History* Case of para 2 previous 2 normal deliveries presented with lower abdominal pain and heaviness since 6 months. History of increased frequency of micturition. No history of noticing any mass per abdomen. No bowel disturbances. No loss of weight *Vitals* Pulse 78/ min. BP 116/80 mmHg. *Physical Examination* Per abdomen uterus irregularly enlarged to 16 weeks size felt more on left side occupying hypogastric and left ileac fossa region. Per speculum examination. Cervix deviated to right side, with os pointing towards left. Per Vaginal Examination. Uterus iregularly enlarged to 16 weeks size deviated to left. No groove felt between mass and uterus. Cervix felt on right side around 2 cm length os facing left side. *Investigations* Ultrasound revealed fibroid on left lateral wall of uterus around 10*12 cm. No other fibroids seen. Both ovaries normal. *Diagnosis* Fibroid uterus *Management* Patient taken for laparotomy. OT FINDINGS :- Uterus normal size True left sided broad ligament fibroid noted 10*10 cm. Uterine vessels noted to be traversing medial to fibroid. Hysterectomy done taking care of ureter. Histopath came as fibroid
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F.43yrs. Pain & swelling left hand 4 months.
Dr. Syam Sundar Patro0 Like4 Answers