Frequently Asked Questions

About the App

  • What is the meaning of Curofy

    Curofy is derived from the word "Cure". It means Curing Together

  • What is the purpose of the app?

    The main purpose of Curofy is to create a platform where doctors from all over the country can discuss cases, read the latest medical news and also apply for jobs.

  • Who are the founders of Curofy?

    Curofy is a Start Up which was an initiative by 3 IIT Delhi Alumni, Mr. Mudit Vijayvergiya, Mr. Nipun Goyal and Mr. Pawan Gupta.

  • What are the benefits for a doctor joining Curofy?

    The 3 major benefits that a doctor will have are: -

    1. News : Doctors will have access to the best medical news according to their interests.
    2. Case Discussions : It is a platform where the doctors can discuss different cases with doctors from across the country.
    3. Finding Jobs : Doctors can look and apply for jobs with Curofy.
  • What is the subscription fee for doctors?

    Zero. There is no subscription fees for doctors for accessing Curofy.

  • Will the app have a paid subscription in future?

    No, the app will never have a paid subscription.

  • How much space will it use on my phone?

    Curofy takes very negligible space in Apple as well as Android gadgets. It takes 13 Mb in android gadgets and 20 Mb in Apple.

  • Will you spam through calls or emails?

    No, we don't believe in wasting your precious time. You will only receive notifications and emails related to the activities that concern you.

  • How to get Curofy again on my phone if it gets deleted?

    If Curofy gets deleted from your phone, then all you have to do is go to the app store or play store and install the app again. Use your mobile no. to login to the app again.

Registration & Eligibility

  • How can I register for Curofy?

    You can register in 2 simple steps:

    1. Download the Curofy app from the Google Playstore or App store (IOS), here is the link for the android users and apple users. Curofy
    2. After the app is installed, you are required to fill in certain details like your Name, Mobile No., Speciality etc. After all the details are filled, you just have to tap on the 'register' that appears on your screen.
  • How does Curofy ensure that only registered practitioners come on the app?

    The Curofy team does a multifaceted check to ensure that only registered practitioners come on the app. The doctors are required to provide their MCI No. and various background checks are made before allowing the user to be active on Curofy.

  • Can patients also access Curofy?

    No, Patients can't access Curofy as it is an app meant only for the use of doctors

  • I am a PG student, Can I access Curofy too?

    Yes, you can access Curofy too by choosing the speciality you are currently pursuing.

  • I am a MBBS student, Can I access Curofy too?

    Yes, you can access Curofy too but you would need an invite for that. Invite can be acquired either by asking someone who is already on Curofy to send you an invite or by earning an invite through winning various competitions held by Curofy on Social Networking sites.

  • How to procure invite for getting access to Curofy?

    You can ask someone who already has access to Curofy to send you an invite. For eg. A doctor who is already on Curofy.

  • Is it Mandatory to add MCI no. or any medical council registration no.?

    It is not mandatory to add MCI no., although, it is advised to add one as it eases the process of verification and also fastens it. Not providing the MCI no. delays the process of background check and verification takes considerable amount of time.

Queries within the App

  • How to post a case?

    Follow the following simple steps to post a case on App:

    1. Open the Curofy App on your mobile phone
    2. The section below 'Discuss, News, Jobs and Notification' showcases an option stating 'Start a case discussion...' under the 'Discuss' Tab. Tap the option to post a case.
  • What if I do not want to show my number?

    Curofy app gives you the option of keeping your mobile no. private.
    Go to the privacy settings a Select among the following 3 available options:

    1. Everyone (Everyone on Curofy can see your mobile no.)
    2. Doctors I have added (Doctors you have added can see your mobile no.)
    3. None (No one can see your mobile no.)
  • How to customize my fields of interest in app?

    Under the 'News' section, click on the Red button that appears and Choose your areas of interest among all the options given.

  • From where do you get the news for Curofy News?

    Curofy gets its news from the best medical sources like EUREKALERT, ETHealthWorld etc. so that its users don't miss out on any quality news.

  • How do I get a Curofy Web Profile?

    Curofy provides you with a unique link inside your Profile page of the Curofy app. That link is your key to claiming your Web Profile. Any contribution that you make to the Curofy community or any detail that you fill, is reflected on the Web Profile.

  • How do I change my specialty?

    To Change your specialty,

    1. Tap on the More tab
    2. Tap on View Full Profile
    3. Click on the Edit sign below your name and change your specialty
  • My profile is not Verified yet, Reason.

    It is mainly due to

    1. You are not a registered doctor
    2. You are a MBBS student and don't have an invite
    3. You have not furnished your MCI details, and we are manually checking your profile
  • What is the Benefit of Completing my profile?

    Completing your profile not only increases your profile impact score but also makes your profile more discoverable.

Scoring on the App

  • How does Curofy give scores to the doctors? What does the score indicate?

    The criteria for the scores are as follow-

    a) +1 for every helpful your post gets
    b) Net Votes=( Agree - Disagree )
          but not less than zero.

  • What is the difference between Curofy score and Profile Impact score?

    Curofy Leaderboard score is a reflection of your qualitative efforts on app, i.e how helpful your posts and comments have turned out to be. Profile impact reflects on how good and complete your profile is.

  • What does Profile Impact score indicate?

    The profile score is a reflection of the completeness of your profile and your activity

  • What is the advantage of increasing Profile Impact score?

    The profile impact score gives you a fair indication of your impact within the Curofy community. A higher impact score indicates that you are active and your profile is complete. However a lower score indicates that you are less active and your profile in incomplete.

Answers on the App

  • How are highlighted answers selected?

    Any answer receiving 5 or more agrees will be selected as a highlighted answer.

  • I answered early, why is my answer is below most answers?

    Order of answers is decided on the based of 'agree' it receives. If someone answering after you receives more votes, it will appear before your answer.

  • I got an agree on my answer why didn't I get any point?

    Curofy has identified some non scientific answers like

    • Thank you
    • Very Useful
    • Interesting

    Any 'agree' on such answers will not be awarded points. Someimes due to technical delay points might be awarded but they will be deduced from the total score later

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