A serious infectious disorder that follows wound contamination by the Gram-positive bacterium Clostridium tetani. The bacteria produce a neurotoxin called tetanospasmin, which causes muscle spasm in the jaw and other anatomic sites.
Recent Cases of Tetanus
Browse recently discussed Tetanus cases by specialistsThanks to you all. It was Fournier's gangrene. Treated with Imipenem IV.. Stable now.
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Top Cases of Tetanus
Selected by editors, top cases are known for unique problem or best solution316 Views
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Case update.. Her MRI brain and MRI cervicodorsal spine came normal.. So today i tried to open her mouth forcefully,, slapped her many times.. And introduced laryngoscope into her mouth.. Finally i came to know.. That she is perfctly fine...
Top Tetanus Doctors on Curofy
Top doctors who continously share their opinions on TetanusNational Institute of Medical Science
Md Paediatrics
National Institute of Medical Science
MD pediatrics

District Hospital
Gajra Raja Medical College Grmc

PHC Bichpuri and ESI Dispensary Chippitola Agra & SN Medical College Agra & Fatehgarh
Medical Officer Incharge
SN Medical College, Agra

Distt. Red Cross Society Bhawan
Honorary Medical Officer
SPMC, Bikaner

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